Booker Cash and Carry
Conference Solutions UK
Client – Booker Cash and Carry (Our very first client!)
Event – Ongoing Support
Location – UK Wide
Changes every day! We might be speaking to any one of our Booker clients to coordinate accommodation for them and their teams travelling daily around the UK. Or perhaps the PR team are looking for a prestigious venue to host a competition judging, a meeting or a dinner. Or maybe the CEO’s office call us in to look for a REALLY BIG venue to get all the managers and many other teams together.
After nearly 35 years working with this client, it’s safe to say the CSL team is a definite extension to this business! Knowing the company and its personnel so well means we know who likes to stay where, what extra small comforts they like to make business travel easier, and what each meeting or event is likely to need. No long explanations required - a quick call or e mail letting us know roughly what and where and the CSL team can take care of the rest! Having a good knowledge of the client’s accounts set up also means we’re able to provide monthly reports that extract just what this client needs to track – another job done with next to no impact of the client’s staff resources!
Client Testimonial
Testimonial TBC
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work
so if you’re looking for something a bit out of the ordinary, or you’re simply struggling to get your vision turned into reality we are more than happy to have a chat about the possibilities. Just give us a call, let’s throw around some ideas and we can take it from there!